python - Connecting from psycopg2 on local machine to PostgreSQL db on Docker -

i have used following commands create docker image postgres running on it:

docker pull postgres docker run --name test-db -e postgres_password=my_secret_password -d postgres

i created table called test , inserted random data couple of rows. trying make connection database table through psycopg2 in python on local machine. used command docker-machine ip default find out ip address of machine , using following try , connect:

conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname='test-db' user='postgres' host='' password='my_secret_password' port='5432'") 

this not working error message of "operationalerror: not connect server: connection refused (0x0000274d/10061)"

. .

everything seems in order can't think why refused. according documentation postgres image, (at image includes expose 5432 (the postgres port) , default username postgres.

i tried ip address of image docker inspect test-db | grep ipaddress | awk 'print{$2}' | tr -d '",' found on sa related article, ip address didn't work either.

the expose instruction may not doing expect. used links , inter-container communication inside docker network. when connecting container outside docker bridge network need publish port -p. try adding -p 5432:5432 docker run command looks like:

docker run --name test-db -e postgres_password=my_secret_password -d -p 5432:5432 postgres 

here decent explanation of differences between publish , exposed ports: hope helps!


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