- HtmlEditor causes unwanted breaklines -

i not using ajaxcontroltoolkit's htmleditor because not have direct button insert images, why searched editor , found winthusiasm editor.

everything seems work fine, doesn't. let's see step step. in example demonstrating use of subscript, behavior same improvement of text (bold, italic, ...):

1 - use htmleditor insert enhanced text database. have developed page works controlpanel , page shows existing items stored in database listview:

listview preview

2 - if click on "edit" button can edit content htmleditor:

htmleditor preview

3 - far good. issue occurs on end-user page, page in content going showed regular users of page:

end-user page preview

i researched on generated source code in last page can not find br declared. seems ok in code, lost. tried enter text in asp:literal , asp:label, result same.

any ideas? lot.

solved. figured out css issue because although chrome shows text in wrong way, internet explorer rendering fine, not code issue.


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