Spring boot AMQP and Spring Hadoop together ends up with missing EmbeddedServletContainerFactory bean -

i have 2 small apps, 1 uses spring-boot-starter-amqp, other uses spring-data-hadoop-boot. can run them separately without problems.

when join them together, app start fails exception: org.springframework.context.applicationcontextexception: unable start embeddedwebapplicationcontext due missing embeddedservletcontainerfactory bean.

my main class pretty generic , works fine both of them separately:

@propertysource("file:conf/app.properties") @springbootapplication public class job {     public static void main(string[] args) throws exception {         springapplication.run(job.class, args);     } } 

i @ lost here. afaik @springbootapplication contains annotations needed, including auto configuration , components scanning. i've had no need configure web environment not using it. why need when both dependencies in class path, , how fix it?


i dug little bit in spring boot code. main problem springapplication.deducewebenvironment() automatically detects kind of environment should configured based on existence of classes in class path.

for web environment 2 classes being checked. when both of them in class path, web environment detected requires proper configuration, obviously.

  • javax.servlet.servlet
  • org.springframework.web.context.configurablewebapplicationcontext

spring-boot-starter-amqp:1.3.1.release contains configurablewebapplicationcontext, , spring-data-hadoop-boot:2.3.0.release-cdh5 contains servlet (in native hadoop libs).

now, when run alone, 1 of above classes missing in both cases, results in web environment not being set.

but when use both of them - both classes can found. web environment detected, false positive, , requires configuration, not able (and don't want) provide.

so question - can force non web environment, when have classes in class path? or there other way solve issue? (other excluding them gradle dependencies)


following question: how prevent spring-boot autoconfiguration spring-web?

i run application follows.

@propertysource("file:conf/app.properties") @springbootapplication public class job {     public static void main(string[] args) throws exception {         new springapplicationbuilder(job.class).web(false).run(args);     } } 

answers above question suggested use property spring.main.web_environment=false or annotation @enableautoconfiguration(exclude = webmvcautoconfiguration.class). both solutions haven't worked me. programmatic solution works in case.


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