iphone - Cocos2d Background image not showing properly on retina simulator and devices -

i have implemented below code in cocos2d showing background image , code working fine except in retina devices. background images not scaled or set properly. working fine on ipad 2 ios 6.0 not on retina ipad (3) 6.0 , retina simulators. have tried samples github , ray wonder -samples. codes have same issues. did face same kind of issue ?

  ccsprite *bg ;   bg =  [ccsprite spritewithfile:@"gamebgipad1.png"];   bg.anchorpoint =   cgpointzero;   [self addchild:bg z:-2]; 

i have included below lines enable retina display , added image name "gamebgipad1-hd.png" showing black background on retina after adding below code:-

also included below code in app delegate:-

if( ! [director enableretinadisplay:yes] )         cclog(@"retina display not supported"); 

both images not part of sprite sheet placed in images folder.

cocos2d 1.0 : not supports ipad retina display.

cocos2d 2.0 : use below naming convention.

for ipad retina need put image extension -ipadhd.png

   gamebg.png          - iphone      gamebg-hd.png       - iphone hd    gamebg-ipad.png     - ipad      gamebg-ipadhd.png   - ipad hd    gamebg-iphone5hd    - iphone5 


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