select between two dates ms access using php -

i want select data ms access using php here code :

$dbdir = "d:\payroll2\att2000.mdb"; $conn = odbc_connect("driver=microsoft access driver (*.mdb);dbq=$dbdir",    "administrator",    ""); $b = 4104; $jo = date('n/j/y h:i:s a',strtotime('2016-01-21 00:00:01')); $ji = date('n/j/y h:i:s a',strtotime('2016-01-21 23:59:59'));  $sql = "select top 20 * checkinout inner join userinfo on checkinout.userid = userinfo.userid userinfo.ssn = '$b'"; $rs = odbc_exec($conn,$sql); odbc_fetch_row($rs, 0);   while (odbc_fetch_row($rs)) {   echo odbc_result($rs,"checktime"); print('<br>');  }   odbc_close($conn); } 

it works fine , want select data between 2 dates add and checkinout.checktime between '$jo' , '$ji' query :

$sql = "select top 20 * checkinout inner join userinfo on checkinout.userid = userinfo.userid userinfo.ssn = '$b' , checkinout.checktime between '$jo' , '$ji'"; 

i dont know why doest work, im sure data exist , date format persist ms access date format.

any appreciated, im sorry bad english..

with msaccess & ms sql server believe need use hash signs around dates , might need use cdate() ensure date recognised date.

$sql = "select top 20 * checkinout      inner join userinfo on checkinout.userid = userinfo.userid      userinfo.ssn = '$b' , cdate( checkinout.checktime ) between '#{$jo}#' , '#{$ji}#'"; 


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