c - Why __lib_start_main appear in array of string -

following code , example strok

#include "stdio.h" #include "string.h" #include "stdlib.h" #define number_of_strings 10 int main(){     char str[] = " select cid acn acn=:c1 , acctname=:c2#/rows=30/using=(c1=70,c2='od100s')";     char *strs[number_of_strings];     int = 0;     (char *p = strtok(str," "); p != null; p = strtok(null, " "))     {       if(i < number_of_strings){         strs[i] = malloc(strlen(p)+1);         strcpy(strs[i], p);         i++;       } else {           break;       }        }      for(i = 0 ; < number_of_strings ; i++){         if(strs[i] != null)             printf("%s\n",strs[i]);     }      return 0; } 

when print array of strs ,

[root@prf01 /]# ./test select cid acn acn=:c1 , acctname=:c2#/rows=30/using=(c1=70,c2='od100s') __libc_start_main 

i have no idea why "__libc_start_main" string store in array

please me clear ,thanks !

you reading uninitialized pointer(s) undefined behaviour.

you have i number of strings after loop, not number_of_strings strings.

you can store total number of strings in variable after loop , use when print it.

 (char *p = strtok(str," "); p != null; p = strtok(null, " "))     {     ....     }     size_t num = i;      for(i = 0 ; < num ; i++){         if(strs[i] != null)             printf("%s\n",strs[i]);     } 


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