javascript - Don't allow the div to block parent events -

i've elments that, on dispatching mouseenter, creates div cover selected element using div borders.

something this:

function attachselectorbarto(el){             var bar = $('#editor-selection-bar');             bar.css({                 top:el.offset().top,                 left:el.offset().left                 width:el.outerwidth(),                 height:el.outerheight()             }).show();         }         $(function(){             $('[editordata]').mouseenter(function(event){                 event.stoppropagation();                 attachselectorbarto($(this));             }).mouseleave(function(){                 //hideselectorbar();             });         }); 

but, selector div on absolute position , z-index greather other ones. so, when try select elment, under ones don't mouseneter events of course. qyestion is: there method selector div not block other elemnts events ?

nevermind! found css property!



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