object - How to iterate (keys, values) in javascript? -

i have dictionary has format of

dictionary = {0: {object}, 1:{object}, 2:{object}} 

how can iterate through dictionary doing like

for((key,value) in dictionary){   //do stuff key 0 , value object } 

no, not possible javascript objects.

you should either iterate for..in, or object.keys, this

for (var key in dictionary) {     if (dictionary.hasownproperty(key) {         console.log(key, dictionary[key]);     } } 

note: if condition above necessary, if want iterate properties dictionary object's own. because for..in iterate through inherited enumerable properties.


object.keys(dictionary).foreach(function(currentkey) {     console.log(key, dictionary[key]); }); 

in ecma script 2015, can use map objects , iterate them map.prototype.entries. quoting example page,

var mymap = new map(); mymap.set("0", "foo"); mymap.set(1, "bar"); mymap.set({}, "baz");  var mapiter = mymap.entries();  console.log(mapiter.next().value); // ["0", "foo"] console.log(mapiter.next().value); // [1, "bar"] console.log(mapiter.next().value); // [object, "baz"] 

or iterate for..of, this

'use strict';  var mymap = new map(); mymap.set("0", "foo"); mymap.set(1, "bar"); mymap.set({}, "baz");  (const entry of mymap.entries()) {   console.log(entry); } 


[ '0', 'foo' ] [ 1, 'bar' ] [ {}, 'baz' ] 


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