Html5 cache Manifest not working -

i'm trying html5 offline storage working in basic way. html file

<html manifest="12thpayment.appcache" lang="en" ng-app="mainapp"> 

this 12thpayment.appcache file

cache manifest       payments.html     ../../js/jquery-2.1.4.min.js     ../../bower_components/angular/angular.min.js      ../../bower_components/angular-animate/angular-animate.js      ../../bower_components/angular-aria/angular-aria.js      ../../bower_components/angular-material/angular-material.js      ../../uimicrokernel/uimicrokernel.js      ../../js/directivelibrary.js      ../../js/12thdirective.js      js/controllers/paymentmodule.js      js/controllers/configpayment.js      js/controllers/paymentservice.js      js/controllers/paymentadd.js      js/controllers/paymentupload.js      js/controllers/paymentview.js      js/controllers/paymentsingleview.js        network:     * 

when run file online chrome console says manifest file created in offline does't work. need add text/cache-manifest. need add

to enable appcache on apache server, add following .htaccess:

addtype text/cache-manifest .appcache 


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