sql - Update Fields Automatically -

i'm pretty new here , don't resort forum post unless can't figure things out searching solution on own i'm stuck. work in department , developing tool used compare across 3 data pulls see missing data. data supposed accounted in 3 databases need find discrepancies not match. data used across of our car dealerships , pulled 3 providers give us. (example: our website listing, cars on sale in our inventory, , third deals web listings on other sites).

unfortunately, whenever export each site dealership locations not match exact same syntax. have 3 tables in sql database reuploaded user each month. have case statements written can run query change each matching dealership in way matches syntax across 3 tables. example 'ford denham' , 'denham ford' changed 'asfd' acronym use dealership.

now have reports have created sql report builder. problem is, of queries written if location 'asfd' can match records based on location. when user uploads data how can automatically have case statement run on new files in database without having trigger query myself? if don't run case statement rename none of reports run correctly because locations not match correctly.

thank help. let me know if should have gone different way since have never posted here before. tried descriptive possible.


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