Find results get removed in intellij? -

ok search eval() in php project find leaks.

i 60 hits. @ first result , want see if maybe security leak. see eval() gets called eval($myspecialvar) search $myspecialvar see not security problem. want check next entry of eval() search result... not there more. have search again eval() very beginning, , figure out 60 results....?!?

is there no more clever way it?


the open in new tab grayed out me

enter image description here

you have check "open in new tab" setting. location depends on search you're using - if text find, setting under result options section:

enter image description here

if you're searching usages, in edit > find > find usages settings:

enter image description here

note option enabled if have search results displayed. in case: first search eval(), before searching $myspecialvar you're clicking on "open in new tab".

yet option after searching eval() pin search results, new search opened in new tab:

enter image description here


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