haskell-stack getting TlsExceptionHostPort error -

been running stack/ghc inside debian 8.2 via vagrant while. morning:

$  stack setup run outside project, using implicit global project config using resolver: lts-4.2 implicit global project's config file: /home/vagrant/.stack/global-project/stack.yaml downloading lts-4.2 build plan ...tlsexceptionhostport (handshakefailed (error_protocol ("certificate has expired",true,certificateexpired))) "raw.githubusercontent.com" 443  $  stack --version version 1.0.2, git revision fa09a980d8bb3df88b2a9193cd9bf84cc6c419b3 (3084 commits) x86_64 

the same error remains if delete ~/.stack. did mess up?

you might want try running stack -v setup able see files being downloaded. identify file(s) cannot downloaded due tlsexceptionhostport - there won't many of them - , run:

curl -0 https://raw.githubusercontent.com/path_to_your_file > your_file 

once blocking file(s) have been downloaded, re-run stack setup.

this might not clean approach, worked me.


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