spring mvc - Stream Multiple PDFs to render in Browser -

i'm in need of way stream multiple pdfs rendered in browser one. challenges multiple.

  1. the files large , don't have static copy on server. retrieve back-end , stream. retrieval not stream byte array. cannot change behavior of back-end.
  2. i have option of retrieving pdf in 1 go, takes time pdfs run in thousands. other option retrieve in segments, gives multiple individual pdfs.
  3. the number of pages or length cannot determined api not reliable.

my question - there way combine , stream byte arrays of multiple pdf 1 stream , render in browser?

i've tried stream byte array of 1 pdf after another. however, browser renders first pdf , after close stream.

i'm ok use javascript solution pdf.js, provider i'm able show , let users print/save whole document.

it spring mvc application jsf front-end on websphere application server. have liberty of adding open source libraries dependencies if required.


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