android - Fragment accessing other java class -

i have been searching internet, not correct answer need. new android, please provide detailed answer.

i have fragment gets data user, ex: name, occupation etc. every single time data, store using gson sharedpreferences. based on searches, need construct regular java user class , pass object (android - save object sharedpreferences , anywhere in app).

  1. so question have is, can fragments access other regular java class functions?

    class userfragment extends fragment {  // data edittext  user newuser = new user("tom"); newuser.setoccupation("programmer");  //etc  } 
  2. can fragment instantiate class , set variables?

  3. if yes 1 , 2, add user class java file, same file fragment implementation of folder , include it?

i provided user example, generically know answer 1 , 2.


  1. yes fragment object can instantiate class object.
  2. yes can set variables , call functions on object.
  3. entirely you. if class small , local fragment class, can create inside fragment class. if want accessible elsewhere, or make more modular, can create in different package name or same.


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