Azure Data Lake : The request to Azure Data Lake Store was unauthorized -

we trying move our data azure table storage azure data lake. created data factory (with linked services, data sets , pipeline). pipline created copy action.

one of linked service choose "azure data lake store" , authorized configuration , configuration below

{     "name": "xxxxxstorelinkedservice",     "properties": {         "description": "",         "hubname": "xxxxxxdatafactory_hub",         "type": "azuredatalakestore",         "typeproperties": {             "datalakestoreuri": "",             "authorization": "**********",             "sessionid": "**********",             "subscriptionid": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",             "resourcegroupname": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"         }     } } 

after creating pipeline , seems data movement happening. getting error

copy activity encountered user error: errorcode=usererroradlsunauthorizedaccess,'type=microsoft.datatransfer.common.shared.hybriddeliveryexception,message=the request 'azure data lake store' unauthorized,source=microsoft.datatransfer.clientlibrary,'',message=the remote server returned error: (403) forbidden.,source=system,'

from error, seems have unauthorized request. mentioned above authorized azure data lake store linked service correctly.

can please let know, possible cases of error , need here.

can please confirm if user getting authorization information for, has been allowed access appropriate data lake store account?

details available @ above link. 3-step process. so, ensure have completed them all.

thanks, sachin

program manager, azure data lake


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