c# - Take contents of an excel file (.xls or .xlsx) in to Dataset -

i have excel file named test.xls , want contents in excel sheet dataset.is possible tried code throws exception,here code

 string filepath = server.mappath("portals\\_default") + "\\" + upprice.filename;  upprice.postedfile.saveas(filepath);  filestream stream = file.open(filepath, filemode.open,    fileaccess.read);  if (upprice.filename.contains(".xlsx"))  {   iexceldatareader excelreader = excelreaderfactory.createbinaryreader(stream);    dataset result = excelreader.asdataset();  } 

i'm going assume you're using http://exceldatareader.codeplex.com/

from code:

if (upprice.filename.contains(".xlsx"))  {   iexceldatareader excelreader = excelreaderfactory.createbinaryreader(stream);    dataset result = excelreader.asdataset();  }  else if (upprice.filename.contains(".xls"))  {   iexceldatareader excelreader = excelreaderfactory.createopenxmlreader(stream);   dataset result = excelreader.asdataset();  }  

these tests backwards. ".xlsx" files zipped xml documents. "xls" older binary files. consider using system.io.path.getextension() file extension since you'll notice contains(".xls") true both file types.


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