eclipse - Aptana 3: How to set PHP to execute a php file as a script? -

i new in php world , have install apatana 3 studio , have question php configuration in development environment.

seems configuration work don't know if configured in smart way...

i use ubuntu , have installed apache 2 web server

executing simple php file (that inside /var/www folder) conteining phpinfo() functiion:

<?php phpinfo(); ?> 

i obtain information , seems have installed apache 2 web server under path: /etc/php5/apache2 , php.ini file have path: /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini

infact, part of phpinfo() output obtain:

configuration file (php.ini) path   /etc/php5/apache2 loaded configuration file   /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini  

as web server use external version of apache+php , work well. doubt related execution of php file script (not on web server):

if select php file inside project , do: run --> php script appear me error message me have set php executable location , open wizard it.

so under: preferences ---> aptana studio ---> php ---> php interpretes , void.

so have following operations: click on add button , set following values in wizard:

name: php  executable path: /usr/bin/php5 (php5 executable file, don't know if setting right)  php ini file: /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini (i have obtained path phpinfo() function)  phpdebbugger: xdebug (setting default) 

so click finish , give me following error message: error saving /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini

why? maybe have no writing permission on file?

but now, if try execute php file script seems work , obtain desidered output inside console tab

this configuration right or not?


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