ios - MvvmCross: RaisePropertyChanged not updating binding -

i instantiating view viewmodel this:

var myview = new myview { datacontext = new myviewmodel() }; 

i want make view accessible anywhere in application adding view rootviewcontroller:


where viewmodel inherits mvxviewmodel , myview inherist mvxviewcontroller

inside myview binding uilabel text property this

this.createbinding(mylabel).to<myviewmodel>(vm => vm.mytextprop).apply(); 

the text property defined inside viewmodel this

    private string mytextprop;     public string mytextprop     {         { return mytextprop; }         set         {             mytextprop = value;             raisepropertychanged(() => mytextprop);         }     } 

the binding works when loaded. when change mytextprop property , raisepropertychanged called uilabel not being updated.

i binding icommand works fine , triggers normally.

instead of doing var myview = new myview { datacontext = new myviewmodel() };

let mvvmcross construct mvxviewcontroller doing this:

var viewcontroller = this.createviewcontrollerfor<myviewmodel>(); 

createviewcontroller extensions method imvxcancreatetouchview, class view construction should implementing inteface, otherwise method not available.

i know imvxcancreatetouchview implemented mvxtouchviewpresenter , mvxviewcontroller can call method presenter or mxvviewcontroller.


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