php - Laravel - Functional Testing: current route is not get cleared -

we using laravel version 5.0, perhaps issue apply laravel 5.0+ too.

in functional tests if call paths, router finds matching routes, if call 404 url, router not resets current route:

public function testpages() {     $response = $this->call('get', '/about');     $this->assertequals(200, $response->getstatuscode());      // \route::current() not null      // call 404-route     $response = $this->call('get', '/asdfasdfasdf');     $this->assertequals(404, $response->getstatuscode()); } 

when handling 404 call \route::current() in view composers, , running tests not null, running in browser null.

how reset laravel state initial between $this->call()s?

my current solution add $this->refreshapplication() before each of $this->call():

public function call($method, $uri, $parameters = [], $cookies = [], $files = [], $server = [], $content = null) {     $this->refreshapplication();      if (0 !== strpos($uri, 'http://') && 0 !== strpos($uri, 'https://')) {         $uri = env('app_url') . $uri;     }      return parent::call($method, $uri, $parameters, $cookies, $files, $server, $content); } 


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