swift - Postfix is reserved error -

the below code entered swift 2 , getting error saying "postfix reserved". can tell me how went wrong?

if (pfuser.currentuser() == nil){  self.loginviewcontroller.fields =  pfloginfields.usernameandpassword | pfloginfields.loginbutton | pfloginfields.signupbutton | pfloginfields.passwordforgotten | pfloginfields.dismissbutton 

can ensure or compound expression not contain spurious spaces?. can spot 1 before .loginbutton. have corrected here. please check-

if (pfuser.currentuser() == nil){  self.loginviewcontroller.fields =  pfloginfields.usernameandpassword | pfloginfields.loginbutton | pfloginfields.signupbutton | pfloginfields.passwordforgotten | pfloginfields.dismissbutton 


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