backbone.js - Marionette not clearing models and collection on destroy() -

i'm looking @ moving vanilla backbone marionette and, backbone, first concern make sure don't have memory leaks since i'm building 1 page application.

using backbone debugger, can see when change view displayed in layoutview region, html indeed destroyed model and/or collection remain in memory forever.

first, here's postcontroller code:

var postcontroller = marionette.object.extend({          showone: function(post_cd){         // layoutview         var postview = new postview();          // create data containers         var comments = new comments(); // backbone.collection         var post = new post(); // backbone.model          // create subviews (compositeview)         var commentsview = new commentsview({collection: comments, model: post});          // render compositeview in layoutview when displaying layoutview         postview.on('before:show', function(region, view, options){             this.showchildview('comments', commentsview);         });          // data init.         post.fetch();         comments.fetch();          // show view on main region.         // app.layout layoutview binded <body>         app.layout.showchildview('main', postview);      } }); 

next up, usercontroller code:

var usercontroller = marionette.object.extend({     showone: function(usercd){         var user = new user({user_cd: usercd});          // marionette.itemview         var useritemview = new useritemview({model: user});          // fetch user         user.fetch();          // show view on main region         app.layout.showchildview('main', useritemview);      } }); 

pretty simple, create model/collection , associated view , switch them around in "main" region.

here simple views:

first, useritemview (used in usercontroller):

var useritemview = marionette.itemview.extend({     tagname: 'div',     template: "<a href='#post/48' id='gotopost'>go post 48.</a>",      events:{         "click #gotopost": "gotopost",     },      gotopost: function(e){         e.preventdefault();         app.testrouter.triggermethod('post:show', 48);     } }); 

my compositeview "commentsview" (used in postcontroller):

var commentsview = marionette.compositeview.extend({     childview: commentitemview,     childviewcontainer: "#comments_list",      tagname: 'div',     id: 'comments',     template: '<ul id="comments_list"></ul><a href="#" id="gotouser">go user 20.</a>',      ui: {         userlink: '#gotouser'     },      events:{         "click @ui.userlink": "gotouser"     },      gotouser: function(e){         e.preventdefault();         app.testrouter.triggermethod('user:show', 20);     } }); 

those results backbone debugger:

1) opening app on posts page:

views: views1

models: enter image description here

as expected, 3 models. 1 post (model) , 2 comments (collection).

collections: enter image description here

2) navigating "user" page:

views: enter image description here

the old views correctly removed , new 1 added.

models: enter image description here

my 3 old models still present! along new one.

collections: enter image description here

even though page doesn't use collection, old 1 post page still here.

am missing ? supposed manually clear in ondestroy() ? if so, how ? tried delete , setting null, none of worked.

i checked memory differences using heap snapshots after clicking between page while, indeed goes infinitely.


as turns out, being trolled backbone debugger, seems keep instances alive can continue monitoring/checking them out. marionette explorer has same flaw.

i disabled both of them , went hunting backbone objects in heap profiles , found it's behaving should.

for same issue, find backbone objects in heap profiles, don't search "backbone", "model" or whatever, search "child". backbone objects under "child", because of how controller works.


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