
Showing posts from September, 2010

javascript - Webpack production build does not load anything -

i've been working on app using react , webpack little while. development environment works fine, , loads using webpack-dev-server. i decided run production build of application see end-product might size-wise , observe general output of webpack product build. it turns out running webpack -p , while produce output (more on in minute), not load @ when hit site in browser.. quick check of output tells me none of component code making webpack -p build. the images , html copy on exist in src (dev) folder, js bundle output extremely small - file (main.js) 246 bytes. here output running webpack -p $ npm run build > project@0.1.0 build /users/me/development/project > node_env=production webpack -p --bail --progress --config webpack.config.babel.js hash: 9e5f6974ce21c920a375 version: webpack 1.12.10 time: 2003ms asset size chunks chunk names index.html 1.45 kb [emitted] images/edit.svg 524 bytes [emitted] i...

Loop through html table and display one td column using jquery -

having small issues in html table - need display (which display:none initially) on click of button using jquery. in view <table id="tbllayout" style ="width:100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" > <thead> <tr> <th style="width:200px"></th> <th style="width:100px">col1</th> <th style="width:100px">col2</th> <th style="width:500px">col3</th> <th style="width:100px">col4</th> <th style="width:100px">col5</th> <th style="width:1200px">col6</th> <td></td> </tr> </thead> <tbody> @{ fo...

jboss7.x - JBoss7 Web SSO (Non-Clustered) -

i trying configure single-sign-on in jboss7. security-domain in standalone.xml: <security-domain name="my_auth"> <authentication> <login-module code="database" flag="required"> <module-option name="dsjndiname" value="java:/comp/env/myds"/> <module-option name="principalsquery" value="select password usertable login_id=?"/> <module-option name="rolesquery" value="select user_role usertable login_id=?"/> <module-option name="hashalgorithm" value="md5"/> <module-option name="hashencoding" value="hex"/> </login-module> </authentication> </security-domain> virtual-server in standalone.xml <virtual-server name="default-host" enable-welcome-root="true"> <alias name=...

html - Bootstrap grid with php -

i'm making theme omeka site in calling item , various components using php. each item in own div, , have attempted create tile-like grid bootstrap. however, divs line in single vertical column. how make divs line in row of 3 or four? i'm stumped. works fine without php (with multiple rows , manually added content) won't work otherwise. this looks right now . , want divs like: here html/php: <?php foreach (loop('items') $item): ?> <div class="container"> <div class="item"> <div class="row"> <!-- attempt @ square grid --> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-4 col-xs-6 item-item"> <div class="dummy"></div> <div class="thumbnail purple"> ...

Javascript Regex to match bounded text -

i have text this: foo , bar can text @ all. it be: i'm trying match foo , bar keep matching entire thing. here's code: var s = "this....aaaaaaaaaa..bbbbcd....that"; console.log(s.replace(/\.{4}.+\.{2}(.+)\.{4}/g, 'x')); i expect above give me: thisaaaaaaaaaaxthat, instead gives: thisxthat. can help? here's fiddle: if want 2 strings (foo , bar) separated x, can use: var s = "this....aaaaaaaaaa..bbbbcd....that"; console.log(s.replace(/[^\.]*\.{4}([^\.]+)\.{2}([^\.]+)\.{4}.*/g, '$1x$2')); yields aaaaaaaaaaxbbbbcd you use: console.log(s.replace(/[^\.]*\.{4}(.+)\.{2}(.+)\.{4}.*/g, '$1x$2')); which yields for second example.

java - Strict standards: Non-static method should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in php file -

i have rudimentary knowledge of php, , facing error retrieving json object php web service strict standards: non-static method api_users::getrecordbyid() should not called statically, assuming $this incompatible context in .../lists.php on line 1387 and because of error unable parse json object , error in android studio logcat error parsing data org.json.jsonexception: value <br of type java.lang.string cannot converted jsonobject is there way can rid of error? php trying use: <?php define('iem_path', '../admin/com'); require_once('../admin/includes/config.php'); require_once('../admin/com/lib/iem.class.php'); require_once ('../admin/com/lib/iem/dbfactory.class.php'); require_once ('../admin/com/lib/iem/baseapi.class.php'); require_once ('../admin/com/lib/api/users.class.php'); require_once ('../admin/com/lib/iem/baserecord.class.php'); require_once ('../admin/com/l...

Code snippet for running Stanford CoreNLP Chinese NER -

i'm running corenlp inside java program, using maven dependencies. need run ner on raw chinese text. please provide code snippet this? i found instruction: "... first need run stanford word segmenter or other chinese word segmenter, , run ner on output of that!" can't figure out how that. somehow splice chinesesegmenterannotator english ner pipeline? need chinesedocumenttosentenceprocessor before that? can done using stanfordcorenlp , right set of properties, or else required? have chinese models. thanks. you can run entire pipeline on chinese text. key difference use segment annotator instead of tokenize annotator. here properties use whole chinese pipeline. can remove annotator don't need. in case can stop @ ner , remove properties parse, mention, , coref. # pipeline options - lemma no-op chinese needed because coref demands (bad old requirements system) annotators = segment, ssplit, pos, lemma, ner, parse, mention, coref # segment custo...

sql - how to delete every row not containing a list of values -

i'm trying delete remaining row in table doesn't exist in list program i'm making generates. 1 of ways have tried. each way change continue 'invalid relational operator' error delete bb_pub.epub_agent_trnprt '39800013','39800022','39800009','39800023','39800011','39900001','39800025','39800016','39800014','39600003' not in (transport_id); try this delete bb_pub.epub_agent_trnprt transport_id not in ('39800013','39800022','39800009','39800023', '39800011','39900001','39800025','39800016','39800014','39600003');

php - Custom database table query -

so, created custom wp database table (called "wp_my_table" ). i can create new row or upload values table fine. but new how values out of table. below general database structure: each row gets own id , has post_id associated other posts (in example, there 3 different post_id : 433, 6554, 23) for query search, want able search rows specific post_id in descent order: for example: look post_id of "433" get first 2 rows (order descent date): id=1, 3 selected get other info such contents let say, there load more button load next set of data (in case, id=4, 8 ). how know row next set of data , how pull out? any suggestions appreciated. more interested in php side got js part figured out. thanks! i think can try use $wpdb->get_result('sql query'); method read this your query this: it's not tested code, assumption you need use global $wpdb; $rows = $wp...

java - Form needs to be loaded with current user timezone -

public calendaruploadform form() { // use user logic find users timezone, , set tzid form string tzid = userlogic.getcurrentuser().gettimezone().getid(); return new calendaruploadform(); } i getting current user time zone when going set form, error. tried set form().setfallbacktimezoneid(tzid); have set , method in class file need assign method variable. dont know how it. help. thanks

google maps - get new coordinates for polygon and polyline -

i using google maps javascript api v3. have drawn polygon , polyline on map using data based on sharepoint list. have added click event polygon , polyline displays popup on click of region/line. in popup have added button named edit shape. on click of want allow user edit shape. able edit shape. however not sure how new coordinates region or line. can please tell me how edited/newly changed coordinates. please helpful if can post example in similar ways. thanks.

node.js - listen / listening event -

i surprised looking @ docs there no event fired when bound port...i looking "listen" / "listening" event... i have simple module initialized http.server instance: var io = require(''); var socketserver = null; function getsocketserver(httpserver) { if (socketserver === null) { if (httpserver == null) { throw new error('need init socketserver http.server instance'); } socketserver = io.listen(httpserver); } return socketserver; } module.exports = { getsocketserver:getsocketserver }; when require module, want listen 'listening' event. something like: var socket = require('./socket-cnx').getsocketserver(); socket.on('listening',function(err){ }); i suppose primary reason because on api used event names. so doesn't listen. http server listens, , that's object e...

dependencies - can java classloader user different version of java to load different classes -

a module written in scala depends on a.jar (which requires java 6). when try start run module, requires java 7 load main class correctly, otherwise classdefnotfounderror. when use java 7 run module, 1 function in a.jar requires java 6 break (saying can't load corresponding class). how can deal such dilemma? thanks.

ruby on rails - How to scope a join table? -

i'm using filterrific gem, , need scope following. i have 3 tables. , scope user model , returns university names.that user belongs through colleges. colleges join table here. models below (rails 4.2): class user < activerecord::base has_many :colleges has_many :universities, :through => colleges # current scope not working @ scope :user_university, -> (user_university){joins(colleges: [ {university: :name}]).where(" = ? ", user_university)} end class colleges < activerecord::base belongs_to :user belongs_to :university end class university < activerecord::base has_many :colleges has_many :users, :through => colleges end i keep getting errors , i'm unsure how scope model through join table. let try this: scope :user_university, -> (university_name) { joins(colleges: :university).where(universities: {name: university_name}) } i rename param...

Non standard custom attributes in ReactJS? -

this regarding non-standard attributes. in react have done this: react.createelement('div', {image:'blah', etc:'blah'}); i need image , etc set on element setattribute , , need react use smarts maintain changes. a solution here says add on componentdidmount not solution. attribute not maintained changes react framework. is there anyway tell react set attribute on custom tags? this solution build on linked answer using react lifecycle method componentwillreceiveprops update dom element attributes every change props. more information lifecycle methods, see . (since componentwillreceiveprops can called more often when props change, may wish compare props before setting them on node.) i've provide fiddle can play with: , relevant par... - error deleting items from listview -

hi, i have problem here. got datatable data display in listview. here behind code function. protected sub listview1_itemcommand(byval sender object, byval e listviewcommandeventargs) if (e.commandname) = "sort" dim txteno label = directcast(e.item.findcontrol("lblid"), label) /* error here dim deletecommand string = "delete dt id=" & convert.toint32(txteno.text) session("dt").deletecommand = deletecommand end if end sub the things when press delete button error occur saying "input string not in correct format." knows problem here? the problem caused by convert.toint32(txteno.text) and value of txteno.text not valid integer. what value of txteno.text when attempt run code? as workaround, use integer.tryparse instead. dim number integer if integer.tryparse(txteno.text, number) ' delete.... end if

javascript - How can I add separate width to each name and value that are getting iterated by ng-repeat -

how can add separate width each name , value getting iterated by: ng-repeat in angularjs for e.g: data: [ { "name": "first name", "value": "harry" }, { "name": "last name", "value": "potter" }, { "name": "gender", "value": "male" }, { "name": "dob", "value": "21/5/1988" }, { "name": "ssn", "value": "298456147" }] html: <div> <div ng-repeat=\ "data in data\"> <div style=\ "float:left\">{{}}</div> <div style=\ "float:left\">{{data.value}}</div> </div> </div> so, each name , value need separate width . where can add width properties? add "track $index" clause described in docs ng-repeat. ng-repeat=...

How To Call IronPython functions in C#? -

i having problem in calling python functions in c# form. passed references. still python functions inaccessible. please me out. using ironpython; using; using microsoft.scripting; using; using microsoft.scripting.utils; namespace converter { public partial class form1 : form { public form1() { initializecomponent(); m_scope = m_engine.createscope(); m_engine.executefile(@"c:\users\salman\desktop\"); m_engine.executefile(@"c:\users\salman\desktop\", m_scope); object lengthvolume =m_engine.operations.invoke(m_scope.getvariable("lengthvolume")); m_engine.operations.invokemember(lengthvolume, "f_i", new object[0]); action f_i2 = m_engine.operations.getmember<action>(lengthvolume, "f_i"); f_i2(); } private scriptengine m_engine = python.createengine(); private scripts...

what is "am_pss" in android event_log -

what below log means for? 01-01 00:51:58.596157 994 1077 am_pss : [994,1000,system,96750592,90464256] i'd appreciate can clarify this. highly help. am_pss (pid|1|5),(uid|1|5),(process name|3),(psskb|2|2),(usskb|2|2) according google's eventlogtags , am_pss "report collection of memory used process". so: garbage collection triggered.

Android problems with parsing json -

hello i'm trying parse json website. te jsonstring te httpresponse working fine when try parse in jsonobject gives npe. json im testing right now: { "galgjejson" : { "nederlands" : { "length7" : [ { "word" : "android" }, { "word" : "camping" }, { "word" : "koekjes" } ] }, { "length8" : [ { "word" : "androids" }, { "word" : "campings" }, { "word" : "campings" }, ...

How to attach files via application to FogBugz with C# -

i have application allows users report bugs , attach files. bug detail , attachments should saved in fogbugz. have managed create except file attachment part. here code: private void newcasewithfile() { string fburl = ""; string fbtoken = loginfogbugz(); string param = ""; param += "cmd=new"; param += "&token=" + fbtoken; param += "&stags=" + "onlineservice,"; param += "&stitle=" + "testing"; param += "&sevent=" + "this case being created visual studio"; param += "&nfilecount=" + "1"; param += "&file1=" + "picture.png"; httpwebrequest httpwebrequest = (httpwebrequest)webrequest.create(fburl + "?" + param); httpwebrequest.method =; ...

intellij idea - Sonarlint Issues and Log Tab not showing up on Webstorm -

i installed sonar lint on webstorm, restart webstorm , activate sonarlint window tools window. however, not seeing issues tab , log tab showing up. thing see sonar lint console. how can make issues tab , log tab show according screenshot found in ?

Connecting to remote Databases in Ruby DBI -

how can connect remote databases in ruby ? i have application need connect remote host databases , read databases table , map application . thank in advance your question incomplete. didn't mention database. i'm assuming mysql. should show efforts. install mysql gem gem install mysql now, use in ruby file. db =, username, password, database) example: require 'mysql' db ='', 'someuser', 'exceptionalpassword', 'greatdb') put server's ip or host in hostname . rest of parameters self-explanatory. must allow public ip address in remote servers mysql host. example, if ip, must allow ip in mysql server. see doc more detail. allowing ip in database server. assuming above mentioned ip public ip, can allow access greatdb database using following command. run in db server's console. grant on greatdb.* someuser@...

c# - Pass values of user defined datatype to plsql stored procedure from -

i new , sql. playing around oracle , , have ran problem feel not documented well. i have stored procedure used custom type called num_array defined follows. create or replace type num_array table of number(38, 0); and stored procedure follows..... procedure sample_procedure( sample_array in num_array) begin update returnlist_picklist_mapping set picklist_id = 5555555 returnlist_id in (select * table(sample_array)); end sample_procedure; i trying invoke stored procedure using following .net code; idbinterface.addparameters("return_list_id_in", returnlistid); idbinterface.parameters["return_list_id_in"].dbtype =; idbinterface.parameters["return_list_id_in"].direction = parameterdirection.input; idbinterface.addparameters("cur_picklist_report", null); idbinterface.parameters["cur_picklist_report"].dbtype =; idbinterface.parameters...

Why code behind method should be static if calling from ajax and web service (asmx) method not static? -

i have come across situation have call asp page code-behind method using ajax client side. found code behind method should static in order call client side using ajax asmx web service method normal class method. why code-behind method should static , why asmx web service method not? there object theory running behind scene or other theory? please me! you can find answer on question right here so, why page method calls have static? if you’re implementing page methods, you’re aware of excellent performance. performant compared updatepanel’s partial postbacks. they efficient largely because not require viewstate posted , not create instance of page, while partial postbacks both of these things. know, page method couldn’t create instance of page if desired, since viewstate isn’t provided in request. this why must marked static . they cannot interact instance properties , methods of page class, because page method call creates no i...

regex - Regular expression to match alphanumeric, hyphen, underscore and space string -

i'm trying match string contains alphanumeric, hyphen, underscore , space. hyphen, underscore, space , numbers optional, first , last characters must letters. for example, these should match: abc abc def abc123 ab_cd ab-cd i tried this: ^[a-za-z0-9-_ ]+$ but matches space, underscore or hyphen @ start/end, should allow in between. use simple character class wrapped letter chars: ^[a-za-z]([\w -]*[a-za-z])?$ this matches input starts , ends letter, including single letter. there bug in regex: have hyphen in middle of characters, makes character range . ie [9-_] means "every char between 9 , _ inclusive. if want literal dash in character class, put first or last or escape it. also, prefer use of \w "word character", letters , numbers , underscore in preference [a-za-z0-9_] - it's easier type , read.

r - How to reassign values to new rows and keep rest of values in these new rows -

this question has answer here: split comma-separated column separate rows 4 answers first of i'm not sure if titled topic right hope description clear everything. firstly, had data frame this vehicle type number1 number2 "car" "truck, suv, hatchback" 2 3 "bike" "scraper, lowrider" 5 7 "plane" "bomber" 2 3 secondly, i've used great csplit function splitstackshape change data frame this vehicle type1 type2 type3 number1 number2 "car" "truck" "suv" "hatchback" 2 3 "bike" "scraper" "lowrider" na 5 7 "plane" "bomber" na na 2 3 but final result see this vehicle type numbe...

ios - How to solve this error "this class is not key value coding compliant for the key"? -

i have created uitableview , in uitableview every row have more 1 uitextfield . how each uitextfield values. below sample code. - (uitableviewcell *)tableview:(uitableview *)tableview cellforrowatindexpath:(nsindexpath *)indexpath { int j= 285; (int i=0; i<7; i++) { nsstring *txtindvalue =[nsstring stringwithformat:@"index%d",i]; uitextfield *txtvalue = [[uitextfield alloc] initwithframe:cgrectmake(j,5.0f,25.0f,20.0f)]; [txtvalue setborderstyle:uitextborderstyleline]; [txtvalue settag:indexpath.row] [txtvalue setvalue:txtindvalue forkey:@"test"] [cell addsubview:txtvalue]; j = j + 35; } } error: terminating app due uncaught exception 'nsunknownkeyexception' ,reason :'[<uitextfield .>' setvalue:forundefindekey:] class not key value codeing compliant key. please me. [txtvalue setvalue:txti...

java - Store two enum values in a HashMap -

i want store socket.getsocket() , socketstatus.getsocketstatus() in hashmap . hmap.put(socket.getsocket(),socketstatus.getsocketstatus()); throws nullpointerexception . how resolve this? below 2 classes: package; import java.util.hashmap; import; public class socketinfomap { public enum socket { one("01"), two("02"), three("03"), four("04"), five("05"), six("06"), seven("07"), eight("08"); private static map<socket, string> smap = new hashmap<socket, string>(); private string socket; private socket(string socket) { this.socket = socket; } public string getsocket() { return socket; } static { (socket socket : socket.values()) { smap.put(socket, socket.getsocket()); } } } public enum...

android - Plugin is too old, please update to a more recent version, or set ANDROID_DAILY_OVERRIDE environment variable -

showing error on running project, tried solution available it's not working. thing left set android_daily_override environment variable, struggling so. how can set android_daily_override environment variable on mac? change build.gradle file to classpath '' also navigate to yourprojectpath/gradle/wrapper , open change distributionurl with distributionurl=https\:// i hope helps

How can I clear the swift warning "will never be excuted"? -

now learning swift , when use if - else ,the xcode shows me warniing "will not excuted".though isn't big problem, don't want see this, how can clear warning in project? this logic error compiler has picked , warning about. it gives line number in code can never reached. a) change logic of code b) delete or comment out lines of code can never reached the compiler not give message unnecessarily example if 1 == 2 { = 3 } else { = 4 } obviously condition never met, a=3 assignment can never happen.

What is the faster WebService to use for my android app? -

i new in android need start new project consume web service. need know language use develop fast web service consume in android app? there many factors surrounding speed, such connectivity (wifi/3g/4g/hsdpa), or server response times. or if user paranoid , has constructed faraday cage. these few possibilities. need best can, via performance enhancements , error handling (however working avoid optimisation issues). you @ simple things using json on xml has smaller size or use compression.

android - Image not loading in google map marker using UiL -

i using universal-image-loader-1.9.5.jar . trying display user image on marker. image not being displayed. what have done . uil initialization imageloader = imageloader.getinstance(); defaultoptions = new displayimageoptions.builder() .showimageonloading(r.drawable.profile_image) // resource or drawable .showimageforemptyuri(r.drawable.profile_image) // resource or drawable .showimageonfail(r.drawable.profile_image) // resource or drawable .resetviewbeforeloading(false) // default .delaybeforeloading(1000) .cacheinmemory(false) // default .cacheondisk(false) // default .considerexifparams(false) // default .imagescaletype(imagescaletype.in_sample_power_of_2) // default .bitmapconfig(bitmap.config.argb_8888) // default .displayer(new simplebitmapdisplayer()) // default .handler(new handler()) // default .build(); file cachedir = storageutils.getcachedirectory(thi...

groovy - Using traits for horizontal domain class reuse in Grails, a good idea? -

so want create 3 plugins include domain classes , restful service, , each build on top of each other. conceptually, "inherit" base model way: record > person > user however have read friendly manual inheritance may cause performance issues. then crossed mind since groovy has horizontal reuse capabilities (i.e. traits), may define in trait , implement trait in domain class. composing domain classes not option me because of renaming of fields, , well, loss of convenience of ide auto-completion. my 2 questions are: in part of grails project structure best place these traits. can cause different problems? the trait source code should in grails 2: src/groovy/[package][whatever.groovy] grails 3: src/main/groovy/[package][whatever.groovy] for example: src/main/groovy/com/my/package/foo.groovy the main issue you'll have you'll loose ability perform polymorphic queries. example, inheritance can this: def = record.list() and ever...

html - Make dropdown stay on hover -

i'm making website school project , have small amount of coding experience before. have heard possible use css achieve dropdown menu without using javascript. i'm having trouble making dropdown stay on hover, dissappears when mouse goes down li element: /* configuration of menu width */ html body ul.sf-menu ul, html body ul.sf-menu ul li { width: 200px; } html body ul.sf-menu ul ul { margin: 0 0 0 200px; } /* framework proper showing/hiding/positioning */ ul.sf-menu, ul.sf-menu * { margin: 0; padding: 0; } ul.sf-menu { display: block; position: relative; } ul.sf-menu li { display: block; list-style: none; float: left; position: relative; } ul.sf-menu li:hover { visibility: inherit; /* fixes ie7 'sticky bug' */ } ul.sf-menu { display: block; position: relative; } ul.sf-menu ul { position: absolute; left: 0; width: 150px; top: auto; left: -999999px; } ul.sf-menu ul { zoom: 1; ...

javascript - Load struts tag in js file or pass values from action to js file -

i searching way use struts tag in .js files can directly pass value action class .js file when js loaded page (of course, can done if script inside <script> tag inside jsp file. want directly pass js file.). found solution in this link asks add <%@ taglib uri="/web-inf/struts-bean.tld" prefix="bean"%> @ top of js file , add following in web.xml <servlet> <servlet-name >jspservlet</servlet-name > < servlet-class >org.apache.jasper.servlet.jspservlet</servlet-class > <servlet-mapping> <servlet-name>jspservlet</servlet-name> <url-pattern>/scripts/dynamic/*</url-pattern> </servlet-mapping> (sorry add xml code html snippet. didn't find other way it). didn't work me. can 1 me way it..?? in advance actually u need values action class.right? may u can use hidden type use id of hidden type value. may <input type="hidden" ...

dbms scheduler - How to run failed step in chain in Oracle using previous job name? -

i have job runs chain. chain consists of 5 steps. first step run , if succeeds, 3 other steps run (independently, in parallel). if 3 steps succeed, last step start. works fine. i test case error. intentionally provided error in 1 of 3 above-mentioned steps. result, first step succeeded 3 steps run. expected, 2 of them succeeded , third 1 failed. steps working automatically generated job_name (i checked job_name querying user_scheduler_job_run_details). removed intentional error , ran failed step using: dbms_scheduler.run_chain(chain_name => 'my_chain', start_steps => 'my_failed_step'); of course, failed step succeeded (because error removed). step run automatically generated job_name , unfortunately last step (which run after 3 mentioned steps succeed) not run. run failed step specific (previous) job_name, , result, last step should run automatically. how can run failed step in chain in oracle using previous, specific job name?

wix - How can I have a Modify/Change install run the XmlConfig action to accept new values (values from public properties)? -

i have xmlconfig entries such this: <util:xmlconfig id='setsomething' file="[website]web.config" action='create' node='value' elementpath="//configuration/appsettings/add[\[]@key='something'[\]]/@value" value="[something]" on='install' preservemodifieddate='no' verifypath="//configuration/appsettings/add[\[]@key='something'[\]]/@value" /> which works fine on install. modify/change installs, prefer allow same ui dialog sequence can change values. 'change' without having uninstall/reinstall. is supposed work way - maybe how scheduled? , if so, possible change that? far looks of properties published in time during modify/change, schedxmlconfig action confusingly different looking in logs in modify/change in install

javascript - Using promises to return the result of an asynchronous function as a 'variable' -

i'm having trouble asynchronous execution in nodejs. in particular, have many use cases want use result of asynchronous request later in code, , don't want wrap whole thing in level of indentation such async.parallel . i understand solution using promises, struggling implementation right , resources have tried aren't helping. my current problem this: need _id of mongodb document when inserted. have switched using mongojs using official mongodb driver made aware mongojs not support promises. assist providing basic example of how return value using promises? thanks again. with node.js driver, use collection's insert() method returns promise. following example demonstrates this: var db = require('mongodb').db, mongoclient = require('mongodb').mongoclient, server = require('mongodb').server; var db = new db('test', new server('localhost', 27017)); // fetch collection insert document

HIkariCP: connection leaks and usage time -

i wondering whether connection leaks , usage time correlating. a connection leak identified if connection out of pool amount of time on configured leakdetectionthreshold. amount of time same connection usage time? i asking because seeing connection leaks leakdetectionthreshold of 30s whereas cannot find connections corresponding connection usage time. thanks, michail connection usage time, reported dropwizard metrics, recorded using histogram exponentially decaying reservior. quoting doc: a histogram exponentially decaying reservoir produces quantiles representative of (roughly) last 5 minutes of data. using forward-decaying priority reservoir exponential weighting towards newer data. as such, think difficult correlate individual connection leaks particular quartile in histogram.

mySQL: Issue with Left Join -

i have following query: select c.`entity_id`,c. p.`name` parent_id, c.`name` category c left join category p c.`parent_id = c.is_active = 1 order c.parent_id asc, c.position asc; but error on first clause, can spot error here? thanks you have added where clause twice. try below : select c.`entity_id`,c. p.`name` parent_id, c.`name` category c left join category p on c.`parent_id = c.is_active = 1 order c.parent_id asc, c.position asc;

html - Validate date field -

i trying disable save button untill date not picked. disabled not able enbale untill dont press key keyboard.please tell me doing wrong , in advance. <div class = "form-group" ng-class="{ 'has-error' : form.fromtime.$invalid && !form.fromtime.$pristine }"> <label = "fromtime"> time: <img src = "images/required.gif" alt = "required" class = "required-star"> </label> <div class='input-group date' id='fromtime' > <input type='text' class="form-control" name="fromtime" ng-model = "fromtime" required /> <span class="input-group-addon"> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-calendar"></span> </span> </div> <p ng-show="form.fromtime.$invalid && !form.fromtime.$pri...

h1 modification with javascript - is it worth doing for seo -

my online store script on category pages pulls h1 tags form category names. thats not i'd want them be. worth changing javascript or google won't read altered versions of them , seo won't affected? google read altered versions of h1 tag , seo affected.

javascript - Problems with initialize Tinymce -

i set editor on frontend , have problem, how initialize tinymce in case. my code: <head> <script src="//"></script> </head> <body> <a class=pageedit>Редактировать</a> <div id="textwidget" class="textwidget"> lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. obcaecati esse enim facilis quam magnam nihil excepturi ipsa, maxime ducimus sapiente, repudiandae facere mollitia, velit quia dolore doloribus molestiae odit fuga? </div> </body> /*jquery*/ $(document).ready(function() { $('a.pageedit').on('click', function() { $('#textwidget').wrap('<form class="tinymce"><textarea class="tiny" name="page"></textarea></form>'); $(this).unbind('click'); settimeout(function() { tinit(); },100); }); ...

android - RecyclerView Divider Space -

i create list simple recyclerview , cardview without style properties. < android:id="@+id/shops_list" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent"/> and expected result when run in android 4.2.2 device following screenshot. but, when run in android version 6.0.1, there no space between cardview item following. i space between cardview item above screenshot. need add space or divider height manually? please :-) use app:cardusecompatpadding="true" in cardview . cardview adds padding in platforms pre-l draw shadows. in l, unless set usecompatpadding=true , there should not gap.