checkbox variable in rails always true -
i have rails app using checkbox on view determine part of if statement runs. thought easy task though response in console after clicking submit button shows both: "adult"=>"0" (when not checked) , "adult"=>"1" (when checked) if try puts the console prints true here's relevant part of .html.haml file...this recent attempt =simple_form_for( :application, :url => users_partner_acceptance_path( application ), :method => :put ) | f | .clearfix .column =f.input :full_name, label: 'full name', placeholder: 'full name' .help-block * please enter legal name =f.input :address_1, label: 'address', placeholder: 'apartment, street' =f.check_box_tag :adult, inline_label: 'i on 18 years old.', as: :boolean, checked = true .guardian =f.input :guardian_full_name, label: 'guardian full name', placeholder: 'full n...