Google sheets equipment borrowing system -
i working on google sheets system shows has item. have never worked google apps script before, want check value of c2, make sheet copy of data (d2, e2, g2) here (it trying copy 2nd column) , move here (in different sheet same document) next corresponding name on each particular section i think want rotate data columns becomes rows, , rows become columns, right? what need [transpose][1] function. for example, in a2, if put =transpose('sheet 2'!c1:1) , google sheets automatically fill column values of first row of 'sheet 2', starting @ c1 position. updated answer: here working example here steps: get filtered list of timestamp matched equipment sort list it's reverse order get first item sorted list ("last date") get position of "last date" in timestamp list get item in action list @ same position "last date" if item "check out" it's not available. note: might want store result of index() ...