php - Where's my html tags going? -
starting frustrated form. i'm submitting html content database, stored , retrieved display on front end. have made sure use htmlspecialchars() , however, code getting stripped down plain text upon saving. i've read ton of post's questions identical mine, haven't found suitable answer. here's code i'm having trouble with: <li> <label for="summary">article summary</label> <textarea name="summary" id="summary" placeholder="brief description of article" required maxlength="1000" style="height: 5em;"><?php echo htmlspecialchars( $results['article']->summary )?></textarea> <script> ckeditor.replace( 'summary', { filebrowserbrowseurl: 'wysiwyg/kcfinder/browse.php? opener=ckeditor&type=files', filebrowserimagebrowseurl: 'wysiwyg/kcfinder/browse.php? opener=ckeditor&type=images', f...